Change, Whether It Is A Friend or An Enemy, Is Completely Up To Us

In dealing with changes, we can:

  1. protest all we want, violent or otherwise, day-in and day-out, and
  2. pound the pearly gates ‘til kingdom come, begging for the inexorable change gods currently knocking at our doors to reconsider and be back on a more convenient time.

Or if we know better, we can stay calm instead of going bananas.

It is completely understandable if we are tempted to think we can argue with it and have our way in the end. But we know all too well that in offering resistance, we are only prolonging the agony, unnecessarily.

It is either we welcome change with flying fists up until the last ounce of our blood and die without seeing the dawn break, or, we can make a good friend out of that motherfucker.

Fortunately, we get to choose our battles. Let us then choose wisely, shall we?

Key Pie

The Ultimate Pie for Men: Key (Lime) Pie

- Healthy
- Nutritious
- Juicy
- Delicious

Remember men:

“Eat Key-Pie!”

Makeup Synonym

Ala man garud, nu pudnu mət lang nga nalaing ka ti Tagalog, ana garud ti Tagalog ti makeup?!

Naglaka, kət “panakip-butas”a!!

When Truth = Jail Time

Do you know why swindlers and dishonest politicians are too afraid to let the people know the truth?

Because they know all too well that the truth will never set them free.

- (The) Name’s Not At All Relevant


Lakay: Apay siasinno mət dayta baru nga nubyu dayta anak mo Ribeyng? Kasla nagdulpət kən nagbuyuk mət ti langlanga na?!

Bakət: Anya kan lakay, baam kadin uray ta Amirikanu mət suna. Ti nagan na kanu kət Tim Macky T. Paul-Teet

Lakay: ‘Su mət lang a!!

(The) Name’s Not At All Relevant

Enlightenment is like living an orgasmic state of existence… (The) Name’s Not At All Relevant


(The) Name’s Not At All Relevant


I yanked a string too strong
that made the church bells chime
and the fabric unraveled:

And there she stood
just her and nothing more
nothing between my eyes and
her golden skin and
succulent curves
in all their glory
set free from whatever
covered her
and thrown
onto my outstretched hands


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