Showing posts with label quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quotes. Show all posts

Life-giving death

"Like plants, we do not acquire our nourishment solely from the sun and rain, but also in every part of us that dies." - 名前がない男の人

“Let’s fix this”

Consider yourself lucky if you find yourself a leader who will say “let’s fix this” when things go wrong rather than someone who will leave you hanging in the air, waiting for you to spectacularly fail in order to give them legitimate reasons to throw you under the bus.


 - 名前がない男の人

The people-builder vs the people-user type of leader

May your success as a leader be defined based on how many people you helped along the way to become successful, not on how many were you willing to sacrifice just to achieve your selfish ends.


The rewards of invalidating people


The quickest, surefire way to win a lifetime of enemies is by running ’round town like an asshole invalidating people’s feelings.


What not to ask a writer to do


Asking a writer to reveal more skin or to send nudes is like asking an already half-naked Victoria’s Secret model to show her cleavage.

Because she reveals more than her buck-naked body when she writes. She exposes her soul.


Fuck Talk

The problem in today’s relationships is we are so eager to fuck the body that we often neglect one equally important thing to screw in either partner – and that is to fuck each other’s mind.

Kiss Wisely

The butt you kick today can be the ass you kiss tomorrow.

Kiss wisely.

– 名前がない男の人

Blood Peace

It’s funny how we often crave for blood and at the same time claim that we want peace.

– 名前がない男の人

The Truth and the Bearer

Truth told by anyone regardless of their standing or background is still the truth. That truth can never be diminished much more nullified, we only think it does because of how we view the bearer.

- (The) Name’s Not At All Relevant
Motley Concoctions In A Blank Mind

If Anything's Worth Showing Off, It's Your Scars

Never be ashamed to flaunt your scars. Because someday, a lost soul with similar wounds will be in desperate need to know how the hell did you make it out alive.

- (The) Name’s Not At All Relevant

The Mathematics of Procrastination

This is true for procrastinators: the amount of their free time is inversely proportional to their potential accomplishments. Expounding that argument, the less free time one has, the more he can accomplish. Conversely, one can accomplish less if he has a lot of free time. - (The) Name’s Not At All Relevant

How to Know That You Have Already Forgiven Someone

"You know you've already forgiven someone when, instead of wishing him drowning in the burning lake of sulfur and brimstone, you silently pray that he's safe and warm in the shore." - (The) Name’s Not At All Relevant

Forsaking Something Worth Forsaking

“If there is any instance where infidelity is to be welcomed and encouraged is when you ditch your sacred matrimonial vows with your old familiar feelings of emptiness, sorrow, unworthiness, despair, anxiety, and depression and to finally possess the courage to walk away in search for something better.”

- (The) Name’s Not At All Relevant

Finding A Gem In A Vast Ocean

“Writing is like fishing in the ocean with your bare hands. You scour the depths and breadth, only to surface with a handful.”

- (The) Name’s Not At All Relevant

Living or Romanticizing Life

It’s either you live your life, or you philosophize it. Well, I live mine – by philosophizing it. - (The) Name’s Not At All Relevant

Melancholic Melody

Melancholic tunes are portals to our past, and a gateway towards a beloved deeply intertwined with the fabric of our souls who in like manner longs for our presence from the unknown extents of the universe.

- (The) Name’s Not At All Relevant

Double-Crossing Life

It is indeed disheartening to realize that we often cheat life with the same fervor that we cheat death. - (The) Name’s Not At All Relevant

The Ultimate Comedy

Life lessons can be categorized as either; 1) those that are oddly satisfying to philosophize, and 2) those that are best to put into use.
- (The) Name’s Not At All Relevant

The Virus

Radical thinkers and misfits were first considered as viruses that need to be purged from the system. Well, that is only until the virus revolutionizes the system or the virus becomes the system.
- (The) Name’s Not At All Relevant

The True Identity of the Scourge of God

God allowed the invention of mirrors for men to come face to face with what the dreaded scourge of God looks like.



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